Removing Pen & Ink Stains Can Be Difficult, But It's Not Impossible
Pen and ink stains come in all levels of severity. From a simple pen spot on an everyday shirt or other washable garment to a larger ink spill, follow our directions for simple stain removal.
Step 1: Blot excess ink with a paper towel or rag. Work the Stain Solution directly into the stain with a Stain Brush. Continue until the stain starts to dissipate.
Step 2: Let soak as needed in a basin of warm water. Add a squirt of your detergent for an extra boost of cleaning.
Step 3: For tough ink stains, use water pressure from your faucet to work the stain after soaking. Apply more Stain Solution as needed.
Step 4: Launder on the hottest water setting the fabric can tolerate (typically hot water for cottons) and a stain-fighting detergent, like our Signature Detergent.
Step 5: Air dry stained garments to prevent further setting in any stain residue. Repeat the process as needed.
If the stain is more pervasive and soaked in, you may need to repeat your stain treatment process a few times before ink stains have lifted. Don't be discouraged and don't underestimate the power of repetition! Ink and pen stains can be tough to treat, and oftentimes need a few tries. It's also best to treat pen and ink stains as soon as possible to prevent them from setting into fabrics.
Whatever your ink-tastrophe, stain fighters from The Laundress can help lift pen marks and leave your clothes clean and fresh.